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Monitoring Your Blood Pressure Can Lead to Better Health

I was devastated and mildly in denial when I found out I had high blood pressure.  I didn't want to have to take medication for the rest of my life.  Luckily, as long as I monitor my blood pressure at home and stay below certain numbers, I don't have to take medication everyday.  

The only way of constantly keeping track of your blood pressure is with the help of a blood pressure monitor. But be careful if you are going to acquire one because there are many types and models of blood pressure monitors available so you have to find the ones that suit you best.

When suffering from high blood pressure it is very important to monitor how the values of your blood pressure change during the day. This way you will have an active role in taking care of your own health and it will be very easy to determine what kind of treatment you need.

The price of a digital blood pressure monitors range in price and functionality but they are quite easy to use too. You may consider visiting your doctor to make sure you're using it accurately. It is important to do this because otherwise you may perform inaccurate measurements and this should be avoided.

This is one of my favorite monitors to use. 

You must also take into account the fact the values of the blood pressure vary at everyone, so do not be frightened if a few of your readings are a bit over the line, this is normal for everybody. You should only worry if these high values keep repeating, and in this case you should contact your doctor as soon as possible.

The American College of Cardiology recommends keeping your blood pressure below 140/90 which is now considered normal.  In my opinion, this is still a bit on the high side.  Years ago, normal was more like 120/70.  I believe that the fact that most of our food is fully of salt and sugar contributes to the numbers being higher.  This is just my opinion, I don't have any medical facts to back this.


This is my second favorite monitor which can be purchased on Amazon. 

Whichever you choose, make sure to keep a tally of what your daily pressure is and make sure you keep it below normal range.  Also, you may want to add our Moringa to your diet.  It has been shown to help lower blood pressure.  Grab your bottle which is on sale, here!

  • Feb 10, 2020
  • Category: News
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